Smart Living
  • Latviešu
  • Eesti

Smart Metering

According to European Energy Directive till 2027 all households must be equipped with remote-readable water and heating meters. Those meters must report as often as possible and readings must be available to consumers for greater clarity of consumption behavior.
Our water and heating meters perfectly meet these requirements. They transmit data to our server at least every day. Every meter is equipped with battery to last at least 10 years. Smart meter not only counts the consumption. Built-in algorithms can report different problems and malfunctions, such as water leak, usage burst, blockage or even coil manipulation.
Smart meter transmits data to our cloud network on regular basis using LoRaWAN® technology. Small packet size contributes to low power consumption and prolonged battery life.
Our customers are provided with web and mobile applications with data analytics and visualization. Cloud technology enables users to access data 24/7/365 from anywhere in the world.
Key Features

Fast Installation

Smart remote readable water meters installation is as simple as any other conventional water meter. The only thing required additinonally is a small router to connect all the meters in building to the cloud.

Daily Automatic Updates

You don't need to walk around your meter with special equipment which is obsolete novadays. Meters send data automatically to our server every day and all readings are instantly available through web and mobile applications.

Service Excellence

Our servers are fast and our customer care is astonishing. We are the most experienced company in the region in smart metering and we are proud of our service.

You save much more than you spend
In our experience smart water meters with daily reporting and problems detection may save much more money than the service monthly cost.
Price calculator
Get estimated price for your remote water metering solution.
Number of meters
Type of building
Have Questions?

Feel free to call us

+371 6868 8282
(Latvian, English)

Or text us on WhatsApp

(Latvian, English, Russian)


We are the first company developed mobile app for smart metering. And the only company in Baltic region offering such mobile app today.