Smart Living
  • Latviešu
  • Eesti

Energy Distribution

Get ready to optimize your energy costs by monitoring utility usages in real-time.
Our software is designed to monitor utilities consumption in real-time (energy, gas, fluids, etc). Get known your consumption per production areas and calculate real productions costs based on results. Detect failures, leaks, low voltages and other anomalies and be alarm about it on time.
Smart meter transmits data to our cloud network on regular basis using LoRaWAN® technology. Small packet size contributes to low power consumption and prolonged battery life.
Our customers are provided with web and mobile applications with data analytics and visualization. Cloud technology enables users to access data 24/7/365 from anywhere in the world.
With the help of our dashboard view energy consumption and network status in real-time, receive alerts and take appropriate actions. Stay in touch with your production process 24/7/365.
«You cannot manage what you cannot measure»
That's a main principle of Lean Manufacturing Management. Our system aims at complete control over the use and cost of utilities in the factory. Correlation with production data allows for full analysis and transparency of the actual production costs. Active monitoring supports detection of leaks and waste of utilities that can be easily missed and just as easily fixed.
Get analysis of all utilities in current location with detailed information on planned and actual usage as well as displaying trends and forecasts.


We are the first company developed mobile app for smart metering. And the only company in Baltic region offering such mobile app today.