Smart Living
  • Latviešu
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Access Control

No more remote controls! Control access to whole village to single property using mobile app or car number plate recognition technology. It's easy, quick and practical.
Our access control system is built on LoRaWAN® technology. Easy-to-install control box is typically connected to dry contact input of gate controller.
Human or vehicle approaching to the gate can use mobile app to open gate. Alternatively ANPR (automatic car plate recognition) system can be enabled if appropriate camera is installed.
All access cases are logged and logs are available in web application. Each log record may optionally contain photo of vehicle taken from camera at the gate.
Car Number Plate Recognition
Along with application it's possible to use ANPR feature to grant access to village or private property territory. While you already have our system configured for opening gate with mobile application just add camera with ANPR support.